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刚从RSS里看到了一篇云南日报的报道,讲种质资源保存的,应该是一篇软文,宣传报道科学院西南野生生物种质库的,今年他们在宣传上定是没少下功夫,大大小小的报道真是数不胜数,搜“中国西南野生生物种质资源库”在百度上是51,200篇,而搜“国家种质库”也才73,100篇,汗ing! 我们的PR做得真是不如人家啊,人家曝光率可真高啊,哈哈。首先声明一下,俺没有任何同业竞争所致的羡慕嫉妒狠啊,种质资源工作是讲协作和团结的,哈哈哈,他们那里我也去过,也认识他们那里许多朋友,弄得是挺不错的,设施条件很不错,先期投入钱很多,并且方向也不大一样。




“生物资源有效保护与可持续利用的基础是种质资源,中国农科院国家农作物种子库现存的45万份种质中,仅有不到20%来源于国外。在这样的前提下,西南野生生物种质资源库将承担起种质保存的重要任务。” ——中科院青藏高原所副所长 杨永平

















Preserving Diversity, Insuring Our Future


Plant Germplasm
Preserving Diversity, Insuring Our Future

Germplasm line derived from a wild African cotton species and located in College Station, Texas: Click here for photo caption.
Germplasm line derived from a wild African cotton species and located in College Station, Texas. 

If it were a museum, chances are it would be better known. But the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) is a vital network of genebanks where plants from around the world are curated, propagated, analyzed, and distributed for scientific use.

Most of the 511,000 samples, or accessions, of seeds, tissues, and whole plants are not on public display. They are kept at more than 20 Agricultural Research Servicegenebanks, many of which receive additional support from universities and state agricultural experiment stations.

The materials are available to researchers and educators globally, and as one of the most extensive collections of crop diversity in the world, NPGS plays an integral role in maintaining the U.S. and world supply of food, fiber, and other economic crops.

In addition to its vital role in today’s agricultural research, NPGS serves as a kind of insurance policy for providing the resources to meet challenges to U.S. and global agriculture presented by evolving pests, pathogens, and environmental changes. It also provides producers with the crop diversity necessary to keep up with changing markets.

Maintaining diverse collections of living plant materials from around the world is a daunting task. Different crops and the wild species related to them have different storage and propagation requirements. Seeds of many species can be stored by drying and freezing, whereas seeds of other species cannot survive such treatments. Many fruit crops and other species must be maintained as whole plants in the field or in protected greenhouses or screenhouses to maintain their health, disease-free status, and unique genetic nature.

A sample of the range of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures of cotton leaves, bolls, and seeds in the National Cotton Germplasm Collection: Click here for full photo caption.
A sample of the range of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures of cotton leaves, bolls, and seeds in the National Cotton Germplasm Collection. Colored cottons, such as the orange and tan ones on the left, are used to make dye-free clothing and are native to Central and South America. The red-colored cotton boll, shown on the right, deters insect feeding.  Sharply dissected leaves, such as those near the bottom, help keep the cotton canopy aerated and free of mold in humid climates. (D1581-1)

“We want to make sure we have a broad base for every important crop in the collection, from both a taxonomic and a geographic standpoint, so when the need arises, we have the necessary genetic tools available,” says Gary Kinard, research leader of the National Germplasm Resources Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, which coordinates efforts to acquire, document, and distribute NPGS materials.

ARS shares the materials free of charge with researchers and educators around the world. NPGS mailed 183,000 samples to users in the United States and more than 75 other countries in 2008. ARS researchers are using the collection for a wide range of purposes, such as addressing water shortages in California’s Central Valley, combating a nematode that costs U.S. cotton growers an estimated $100 million each year, and finding resistance to diseases and pests that threaten the existence of important crops.

The uses of the collection are practically infinite, so only a few examples are given here.

Scientific Value

In California, almond production is affected by water availability. In addition, newly planted almond orchards often experience replant disease, a syndrome caused by an antagonistic microbial community in the soil. Malli Aradhya, a geneticist at the National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Tree Fruit and Nut Crops and Grapes in Davis, California, is searching the ARS collection of almond species from Asia to identify new germplasm accessions with the genetic traits that help combat replant disease and improve drought tolerance.

In College Station, Texas, geneticist and curator of the National Cotton Germplasm Collection, inspects the variation in leaf shape and coloration among cotton lines: Click here for full photo caption.
In College Station, Texas, James Frelichowski, geneticist and curator of the National Cotton Germplasm Collection, inspects the variation in leaf shape and coloration among cotton lines.

Nematodes are microscopic worms that can sometimes destroy up to 50 percent of the cotton crop in fields from Texas to Florida. Plant pathologist Alois Bell and colleagues used an African species of cotton that resists the reniform nematode, a common pest, to help cotton growers address part of the nematode threat. By crossing and backcrossing resistance from the wild African species into specially developed hybrids, they developed lines that produce quality fiber and resist the reniform nematode. Bell and colleagues, who recently released the seed of two lines to breeders, originally obtained the African species from the National Cotton Germplasm Collection, which is part of the ARS Crop Germplasm Research Unit at College Station, Texas.

Maintaining the cotton collection isn’t easy. Cotton seeds must be regrown every 10 years, and there are 9,300 different accessions of cotton. Curator James Frelichowski must keep seeds at 4˚C (39˚F) and at 20–23 percent humidity. Under those conditions, seeds remain viable for at least 10 years. New plants are propagated at nurseries in College Station and in Tecoman, Mexico. (See “Freeze-Drying Is Key to Saving Fungal Collection” in this issue.) The Mexican nursery provides an extended growing season and a good site for cultivation of a wide assortment of cotton.

Worldwide Plant Explorations Enhance Collections

ARS has a long-running program, active since 1898, to acquire new samples for its collections. Each year, researchers conduct about 15 expeditions, coordinated by the Beltsville germplasm laboratory, to search for a range of crops and crop relatives with unique traits, such as drought tolerance and pest and pathogen resistance. Foreign explorations are conducted with collaboration from institutions in host countries. Aradhya, for instance, collected more than 145 new accessions of fruit and nut germplasm in trips to Azerbaijan in 2007 and 2008. Such trips can have long-range benefits. A peanut found in a Brazilian market in 1952 is a source for resistance to a wilt virus of U.S. peanuts. A wheat plant collected in Turkey in 1948 effectively resisted a fungal pathogen that emerged as a major threat 15 years later. Its genetics are now incorporated into virtually every wheat variety grown in the Pacific Northwest.

Tracking Requests

Most requests for materials are filed through the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), an online database (www.ars-grin.gov) that identifies and keeps track of every sample in the collection. Paul Red Elk, a Lakota Sioux youth counselor and educator, has been accessing the database for 6 years to acquire seeds of corn, beans, and onions to teach Native American children, ages 6 to 16, about their ancestral ways in Farmington, Minnesota. His program is designed to instill pride in at-risk children, in part by getting them involved in community gardening. He likes using the GRIN database because it provides accurate descriptions of the origins of the seeds and other materials in the collections.

The youth grow corn, beans, and squash in circular patterns and raise native grasses, wild onions, and wild garlic for soups and stews, as Native Americans once did.

“We try to teach them that this is the way people used to eat,” he says.—By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff.

Map: U.S. National Plant Germplasm System
This research is part of Plant Diseases (#303) and Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetic Improvement (#301), two ARS national programs described at www.nps.ars.usda.gov.

To reach scientists mentioned in this article, contact Dennis O’Brien, USDA-ARS Information Staff, 5601 Sunnyside Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-5129; (301) 540-1624.

Plant Germplasm: Preserving Diversity, Insuring Our Future” was published in the January 2010 issue ofAgricultural Research magazine.


ARS Plant Collections Help Safeguard Crops

(PhysOrg.com) — In the months ahead, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists plan to collect walnuts from Kyrgyzstan, grasses from Russia, and carrots and sunflowers from fields across the Southeastern United States in efforts that will enhance one of the nation’s most effective tools for protecting the food supply.

Researchers will make the trips to collect plants with useful characteristics. The collected material will become part of the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS), a network of gene banks that plays an integral role in preserving  that can be used to combat emerging pests, pathogens, diseases and other threats to the world’s supply of food and fiber.

The NPGS collections are made up of approximately 511,000 samples of seeds, tissues and whole plants kept at more than 20 ARS gene banks around the country. Many of the gene banks also receive support from universities and state agricultural experiment stations.

ARS scientists use collection materials for research and mail out thousands of samples of materials free of charge each year to researchers and educators in the United States and countries throughout the world.

ARS also funds approximately 15 expeditions every year to search for new samples of crops and crop relatives with unique traits, such as  and . The trips, coordinated by the ARS National Germplasm Resources Lab (NGRL) in Beltsville, Md., are conducted with collaboration from host countries and include benefits for these countries.

Useful traits in the samples added to the NPGS may be incorporated into crop cultivars, often many years later. For example, a peanut found in a Brazilian market in 1952 is a source for resistance to a wilt virus for most of the peanuts grown in the Southeastern United States and in many other nations. A wheat plant collected in Turkey in 1948 effectively resisted a  that emerged as a major threat 15 years later. Its genetics are now incorporated into virtually every wheat variety grown in the Pacific Northwest.

Requests for material are filed through the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), an online database (www.ars-grin.gov) that identifies and keeps track of every sample in the collection.

Read more about this and other ARS collections in the January 2010 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

Provided by USDA Agricultural Research Service






沿海植物种质资源的保护问题已引起关注。今年夏季,由10位专家、院士组成的专家组,对沿海植物种质资源进行了专门调研。专家们认为,沿海滩涂是沿海植物的主要栖息地,江苏具有明显的资源优势和保护条件。而且,根据江苏沿海开发规划,到2020年前将围垦利用滩涂270万亩左右,这对沿海植物种质资源保护来说,将是难得的政策机遇。最终,专家们联名形成了一份关于建立“国家沿海农业优质种源繁育基地”的建议,目前已由江苏省农林厅提交上报农业部批准。(王世停 张晨)